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Available Scholarships

Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Your first step in applying for financial aid is to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), regardless of your family’s financial status. Your FAFSA information is used to determine your eligibility for a broad range of federal, state, and UNM aid, including loans and work-study. We encourage you to apply electronically at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov. This document is required for most scholarships so it is a first step for most students.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Multicultural Council Scholarship
To commemorate the enduring and powerful messages of love, hope and unity that characterized the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Multicultural Council annually hosts a celebration that honors the diversity of New Mexico Click here for more information.

Nursing Grant and Scholarship Programs To learn more about Nursing Grants and Scholarships available, please visit the website at http://lpntobsnonline.org/nursing-grant-and-scholarship-programs/.

2013-2014 UNM Scholarships.
For more information, please visit the UNM website at http://scholarship.unm.edu/

Dual Credit Presidential Scholarship
CNM now has a Dual Credit Presidential Scholarship available for students who have completed at least 6 credits through the Dual Credit Program with a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Priority will be given to students who are interested in completing a business –related degree at CNM. As these students also meet Lottery and Bridge Scholarship eligibility, money from the scholarship will offset other academic costs, including textbook fees, funding for a laptop and remaining funds will be placed on the students CNM account.The deadline for submission of the required application, FASFA and Degree Plan is June 1st.To learn more about the Dual Presidential Scholarship program, please visit the CNM website at http://www.cnm.edu/dualcredit/scholarship/index.php.

New Mexico Lottery Scholarships
Since 1996, more than 68,000 students from across the state have attended New Mexico public colleges, universities and technical colleges with the help of Legislative Lottery Scholarships. Part of every dollar spent on Lottery tickets benefits New Mexico’s future. It opens the door to new generations of New Mexicans to obtain a college education which otherwise might not have been possible. That helps make New Mexico a better place to live. To learn more about the program, please visit the NM Lottery website at http://www.nmlottery.com/.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund
The HSF Foundation Scholarship Program is designed to assist students of Hispanic heritage. To learn more about the programs, please visit the HSF website at http://www.hsf.net/.

New Mexico Association of School Business Officials Scholarship Information
NMASBO awards six to ten $1,500 scholarships (a minimum of one from each region) to deserving New Mexico seniors across the state every year. To learn more about the program, please visit the Foundation’s website at http://www.nmasbo.org/.

New Mexico Federation of Republican Women Scholarship
The NMFRW scholarship has been established to assist a deserving female student from New Mexico to further her education at a college, university or vocational school in New Mexico. Click here for a PDF that contains details. 

The New Mexico Coalition of School Administrators Scholarship
The New Mexico Coalition of School Administrators will award two $3000.00 scholarships to New Mexico high school seniors who will be entering a college or university. To learn more, please visit their website at http://www.unm.edu/~nmcsa/

BURGER KING® Scholars Program
BURGER KING® Scholars awards are $1,000 each and may be used for educational expenses, such as tuition fees and books, during the first year of college or post-secondary vocational/technical school. For students to qualify, they must be a high school senior and a resident of the U.S., Canada or Puerto Rico. To learn more about the program, please visit the Foundation’s website at http://www.haveityourwayfoundation.org/.

The Southwest Branch of the International Dyslexia Association
The Southwest Branch of the International Dyslexia Association (SWIDA) announces a $1,000 scholarship to a college bound NM high school senior, who is diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability (Dyslexia). A $2,000 award will be also granted to a college student with a Specific Learning Disability and two $1,000 scholarships for students in career-technical programs. Applicants must be NM residents and enrolled in an accredited Certificate, Associate, Bachelors or Masters Degree programs. The SWIDA website scholarships page contains applications and details.

Albuquerque Community Foundation Student Scolarship
The Community Foundation has 12 separate scholarship and student aid programs to help New Mexico students attain their educational goals.
Some programs are for graduating high schools seniors to begin their post-secondary education, others are for those already in college and several are open to students at any point in their higher education. Students from public, charter and private schools may apply. Go to http://www.albuquerquefoundation.org/student_aid for more information.

Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Scholarships
Welcome to the Scholarship Program! We are proud to offer scholarships to local high school seniors and non-traditional students as we strive to support the next generation of business leaders. Our more than a chamber model has enabled us to branch out in unique directions, and we feel that offering scholarships to deserving students is a critical way to develop the next generation of AHCC members into true leaders.Click here for Scholarship Applications.

THE ANNUAL NEIL ISBIN SCHOLARSHIP of $1000 will be awarded in spring to a high school senior in Albuquerque who has demonstrated achievements or ongoing volunteer work in the area of human rights and human dignity in Albuquerque and who is enrolled or will be enrolling in an accredited university or college. Click here for complete information.

Engineering Scholarships
The New Mexico Engineering Foundation is offering scholarships for graduating seniors interested in pursuing an engineering career. Click here for a PDF that contains details. 

LLAVE Scholarships
The LLAVE Scholarship is a need-based scholarship that has been formed to assist students in meeting their educational goals. Scholarships are available on a competitive basis (undergraduate and graduate). Click here for a PDF that contains details. 

Healthy Lifestyles Scholarships
This $5000 scholarship is open to students currently enrolled as high school students or first-year college students. To be eligible for this award you must be under 25 years of age and answer both of the essay questions. Click here for more information.

Big Dig Scholarship
This $3000 scholarship is for students who submit an essay that is under 1000 words and are currently in high school or in their first two years of college/university. Click here for more information.